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Beauty Essentials

why go to all this trouble and eat your veggies raw

1. as you probably know, cooking destroys most of vitamins in your vegetables.
It actually destroys 50 – 80 percent of vitamins and minerals and half of antioxidants and carotenoids, for example, it destroys 50 to 96 percent of vitamin B, which is responsible for energy level, mood, it destroys almost all folic acid, which is responsible for manufacturing red blood cells. It destroys 60 – 80 % of vitamin C ( responsible for immune system) and 72 percent of biotin ( think hair and nails!)
If you do not get enough vitamins B, your cells do not have enough products to build, you lack energy and ultimately, happiness. And it all get destroyed by cooking. Thats why if you follow raw diet for a while, or at least try to eat most of your vegetables in salads, not cooked stew, you will be happier and your skin and hair and overall you will look much better. You will have more energy. In fact, most of people who recover from cancer and chemotherapy are proscribed more fruits and vegetables.
2. water: cooking degydrates vegetables, so your body does not get all the natural oils and water from vegetables.
cooking destroys enzymes, they are catalysts for digestion, so if you do not eat enougbh raw ( uncooked) vegetables, your pancreatic system is suffering, your food is very hard to digest.

so… save your time and energy. do not cook your veggies. make a salad.