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Beauty Essentials

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum is a leading product in eyelash serum industry.

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum makes eyelashes fuller and longer.

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum makes eyelashes longer and grows more eyelashes, therefore it appeares that eyelashes are “fuller”.
Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum need to be applied nightly to the base of eyelashes on the clean skin.
First results of Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum will be seen betwen 4-6 weeks. There were reports of some customers who didn’t experience significant results until week 8.
Clinical studies of Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum shows that 98% of participants had eyelashes longer and fuller after applying Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum.
Full results of Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum will be shown in 16 weeks. Most of growth of length and fullness of eyelashes appears in weeks 12-16.

Story behind a brand of Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum

Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum merged on the market in 2009.
Company had been distributing product mostly in spas and salons of Utah and Nevada.
In the end of 2010 they started selling Fysiko online on http://fysikolashes.com
Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum website gain popularity in the end of 2011
Most of website customers are International customers from New Zealand, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia
In the middle of 2012 Fysikolashes made a turn and decided not to lose american customers. Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum hain a lot of popularity in Utah and Nevada and on the foreign market. Fysikolashes markeiting team realized that american consumer is not aware about product despite popularity in other countries.
New marketing strategy involve fashion and beauty bloggers and publications in spa and beauty magazines to make american consumer aware about Fysiko brand.
New website to acomodate Paypal onnly customers was open in the very end of 2012 http://fysikolash.com
Now http://fysikolashes.com gets over 1000 visitors a day.
Fysiko Eyelash Growth Serum also owns website http://hugelashes.com