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Truth about hCG. Why hCG? Couldn’t I just have 500 calorie diet without hCG?

Many people think that hCG diet is just like any diet, it helps you to loose weight and a little wiggle there and there would not hurt anyone…
Well, not quite….
hCG diet with drops or injections had been developed not to only loose weight. You can loose weight on any other diet, or starving yourself.
hCG diet had been developed to get to your ideal weight and reset your hypothalamus. And this second part – reset hypothalamus – is the most important one.
What is hypothalamus?
It is an extremely complicated part of the brain that controls a lot of important aspects of human behavior.
 The extreme lateral part of the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus is responsible for the control of food intake. Stimulation of this area causes increased food intake.
 Bilateral lesion of this area causes complete cessation of food intake. Medial parts of the nucleus have a controlling effect on the lateral part. Bilateral lesion of the medial part of the ventromedial nucleus causes hyperphagia and obesity of the animal. Further lesion of the lateral part of the ventromedial nucleus in the same animal produces complete cessation of food intake.

There are different hypotheses related to this regulation:
  1. Lipostatic hypothesis – this hypothesis holds that adipose tissue produces a humeral signal that is proportionate to the amount of fat and acts on the hypothalamus to decrease food intake and increase energy output. It has been evident that a hormone leptin acts on the hypothalamus to decrease food intake and increase energy output.
  2. Gutpeptide hypothesis – gastrointestinal hormones like Grp, glucagons, CCK and others claimed to inhibit food intake. The food entering the gastrointestinal tract triggers the release of these hormones which acts on the brain to produce satiety. The brain contains both CCK-A and CCK-B receptors.
  3. Glucostatic hypothesis – the activity of the satiety center in the ventromedial nuclei is probably governed by the glucose utilization in the neurons. It has been postulated that when their glucose utilization is low and consequently when the arteriovenous blood glucose difference across them is low, the activity across the neurons decrease. Under these conditions, the activity of the feeding center is unchecked and the individual feels hungry. Food intake is rapidly increased by intraventricular administration of 2-deoxyglucose therefore decreasing glucose utilization in cells.
  4. Thermostatic hypothesis – according to this hypothesis, a decrease in body temperature below a given set point stimulates appetite, while an increase above the set point inhibits appetite.

HCG diet will help you to get to your ideal weight, will reset hypothalamus to that ideal weight and will help you to maintain it until pregnancy or other hormonal imbalance.

Imagine thermostat that is set to certain temperature and if you open a window it still will try to keep the temperature it had been set on. This is exactly how hypothalamus works. This is why this diet is different from others. It helps your body to loose fat storages, not muscles.
It does not require exercise.
It does not make you tired or fatigued.
It sets your weight to the exact number.
It ends your yo-yo dieting. Forever.