Read these Tips how to grow longer, thicker and fuller eyelashes. A lot of women are not satisfied with size of their eyelashes and spend a lot of money to make eyelashes to look longer or thicker. Eyelash length depends on many reasons. Age, nourishement, stress level, quality of products...
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HCG DIET MODIFIED 1. What is HCG Diet? HCG diet is diet created by European endocrinologist Dr Simeons in 1950. Dr Simeons noticed effect of HCG hormon on weight while working in India for over 10 years. Book “Pounds and Inches” is widely available now with a spike of HCG Diet...
Cyclical Ketogenic D...
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Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) is controvercial diet based on cycling periods of low carb, high protein, and high fat with periods of high carb, high protein, and low fat. This Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD) had been proved to increase serum levels of several growth hormons as: 1.Testosterone ...
Four hour body or Sl...
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Four hour body or, how Tim Ferris puts it, SLOW CARB DIET, is new hip diet that had been explain in detail by Tim Ferris in his book “Four Hour Body”. Tim Ferris suggest that, following Slow Carb Diet one can lose almost one pound a day! Tim Ferris says: Rule #1: Avoid...
Lose weight menu
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Would you like to lose 10, 20, 30 lb? Here is how: Follow our lose weight menu: 1. Start with lean protein. Try to consume at least 16 oz of lean protein daily. Break it down to 3 main meals ( 4oz per serving) and 2 snacks ( about 2 oz per serving). As lean protein you may eat eggs, ish,...