How to lose 20 lb in 20 days – it is 1lb of fat a day! HCG is the diet that delivers. You really can lose 1lb a day! Even more, some customers lose 1.5 lb a day! How do they do it? Following simple rules! It is very powerful and strict diet. If you really want to lose weight and serious...
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Vitamins Vitamins are organic substances (or compounds) necessary in small quantities for healthy growth and development of organism. Vitamins are required in the diet in only tiny amounts, in contrast to the energy components of the diet. The energy components of the diet are sugars,...
What vitamins are good for skin.
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Skin is the mirror of what’s going on inside the body. Acne, rosacea, pimples, psoriasis, dull skin and aging – all signs of dysfunction inside the organism. For best results of great looking skin is recommended to eat lots of protein and vegetables, drink 2 liters of water a day, stay away from chemicals in food, exercise and eat healthy fats – fats, coming from avocado, coconut, fish. Unless one consumes 12 servings of vegetables and fruits during a day, supplements and vitamins should be taken to supply organism with necessary vitamins and minerals. “There is a lot of important new research showing tremendous...
Exercise BurnOut and...
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There are 4 types of burn out. “Excited Looser” -You exercise every day -Very determined to reach your goal weight -Push yourself harder -Sick of exercising, physically can’t take it anymore / burned out. Resolution: Take it slow. You can’t jump over your psychological...
Facial Masques
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Dry Skin Masque Simpliest way to make a masque for dry skin is to take any fruits, like strawberry, or banana, any one fruit, add honey, maybe avocado if you have one, mix it together. Apply to your skin, wait for 10 min, better while you are laying down in the tub, rinse it, by taking it off with cotton ball. Another great masque for your face if you have dry skin is strawberries and milk cream or sour cream. Add one spoon of honey. Oily Skin Masque For oily skin the main thing is not to overdry it, because you may get another problem of sensitive and red flaky skin. It is really hard to apply makeup on this kind of skin because makeup...
How to find your skin type
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What type of skin do you have?1. First thing in the morning take a good look at your skin in the bright light. What do you see? A. It is shiny with noticeable blackheads B. It look flaky and feels taut. C. My forehead an nose ( chin) are shiny, the restof my skin ia taut and flaky D. It is pale with occational flake patches and red spots. E. The surface is dull, low on color, noticeable lines and wrinkles F. Nice color, not oily, not flaky, firm. 2.Wash your skin with plain washer ( face soap) and water. Wait for 20 min. What do you see? A. It looks less shiny B. It looks and feels tighter C. Less shiny on my nose and forehead, the rest...
How to make face mas...
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It is very easy to make customized homemade mask to pamper your skin without visit to the spa. 1. You need to determine your skin type in order to know what ingredients to put into homemade mask. Read this blog to find out how to find your skin type 2. In short – you need to find out if...