I got this picture from our rep in Portugal. Her client lost 7 kg in 15 days. Its 15,4...
Here are some tips h...
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Everyone wants to look their best. Some do, and some are still frustrated over millions of products and thousands of advises. I like to read and collect articles about healthy living; I have books about different diets and subscriber to three healthy lifestyle magazines. When I see a...
Beauty Essentials: H...
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Beauty Essentials: How to get in shape for summer.: “A lot of people are thinking about getting in shape just about now. And it is hard, so many diets, so many ads, eat this, eat that… Really…”IF YOU WANT LEAN, LONG, BEAUTIFUL BODY, THE PLAN IS AS FOLLOWS:1. hCG drops...
How to get in shape ...
posted by admin
A lot of people are thinking about getting in shape just about now. And it is hard, so many diets, so many ads, eat this, eat that… Really, its so easy to get lost in all and maybe end up trying thing or two and, when it doesn’t work, tell yourself that it could be done...
Dark circles around ...
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Causes.Dark circles around your eyes could be genetic or not, adult or children, does not look pretty no matter what the cause is.Dark circles under eyes usually aren’t a sign of exhaustion or serious illness, though they can make you feel old, unhealthy and tired. Dark circles...
No yo-yo dieting any...
posted by admin
I read so much different literature about it. You will be shocked by the amount of magazines, books and folders with all kind of information about diets, regiments, ingredients, etc. I collect information about how every celebrity stays in shape or gets ready for red carpet event, what doctors...